All entries are stored in your WordPress form database inside your website, so you are always in full control of your data. WPForms WordPress forms plugin is now used on over 2. If you want to create a custom WordPress form, then you need to use WPForms.
You can create and manage forms without any coding knowledge. After purchasing a license, the next step is to install our plugin so you can start building forms.
For more details, please see our tutorial on searching and filtering entries. You can export the form entries as a CSV file easily in the Entries page of WPForms.
The exported file can then be opened with a spreadsheet program like Excel, and converted into other formats. Contact Form fait partie des extensions du répertoire officiel WordPress.
Il permet de créer des formulaires simples mais il ne sera pas toujours facile de créer des choses complexes avec lui. Vous devrez avoir quelques connaissances en HTML pour avoir un rendu correct. Si vous avez des bases en CSS, vous pourrez pousser la personnalisation grâce aux classes et identifiants qu’il est possible d’ajouter à chaque élément. In most forms this field will be set, by default, to a Smart Tag that pulls the Name field from the form entry.